Memorial Day Irish Senior Luncheon

A special Irish Seniors’ Memorial Day Luncheon will be held at 12 Noon on Monday, May 27, at The Harp Bar And Restaurant, 24437 Russell Rd, Kent, overlooking the Riverbend Golf Course. The Restaurant is a 10-minute drive from St. Patrick Cemetery where Memorial Day Services are scheduled for 10:30 am. All Irish Seniors, their spouses, significant others and senior friends, are invited to attend at the special subsidized price of $10 per person. The non-senior price is $20 per person. An advance count is required, so please make reservations without delay, and do specify a meal selection – Fish & Chips, Corned Beef & Cabbage, or Sheperd’s Pie. For reservations and more details, contact or 206-387-1970.

Location on Map

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